
The Abbot of Panditarama Sydney Meditation Centre (PSMC) is Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre (MBMC) Spiritual Advisor – Venerable Maha Nayaka Aungsi Sayadaw U Pannathami from Panditarama Sasana Yeiktha. He was born in Kawmhu, Myanmar, on May 27, 1948 and initiated as a novice in 1960 at the age of 12 years. He received the bhikkhu ordination in 1968 at the age of 20 years. He passed the Dhammateacher (Dhammacariya) examinations in 1973 and later on also passed the Abhivamsa examinations.

He graduated with Sasanadhaja Dhammacariya and in his early years, Sayadaw had practiced meditation under illustrious masters, notably the late Most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw as well as Ven. Sayadaw U Panditabhivamsa.  Sayadaw was ordained by The Late Most Venerable Mahasi Sayadawgyi Baddanta Sobhana (Upajjaya) at Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha.During Venerable Aungsi Sayadaw’s ordination, the Late Most Venerable Shwe Taung Gone Sayadawgyi U Panditabhivamsa was his Anusasaka as well as his meditation teacher. Venerable Chanmyay Sayadaw & Venerable Sayadaw U Sanvara Mahanayaka Thera were Sayadaw’s Kammavācācariya. Sayadaw has many years of experience guiding meditators, easterners, and westerners alike, particularly in the practice of Insight (Vipassana) Meditation.

Venerable Aungsi Sayadaw 1st intensive Vipassana Meditation retreat for 4 months was under the guidance of the Late Most Venerable Shwe Taung Gone Sayadawgyi U Panditabhivamsa at Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha in year 1966.

Several years later, Sayadaw returned & stayed at Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha for 5 years (between 1978 and 1983) before being sent to the Burmese Vihāra in Kandy, Sri Lanka (1983-1985).

Next, he was posted as a meditation teacher at the Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Center, Penang, Malaysia in 1985. He stayed for one year and then moved to the London Buddhist Vihara in England where he stayed for six years (1986-1991). For ten years (1991-2000) he was the resident monk and meditation teacher at the Blue Mountain Meditation Center in Australia. He then taught at the Vipassana Meditation Center in Sydney for two years (1996-1998). During Sayadaw’s stay in England he founded a meditation center in midland at Bellinge, near St Helens, now it has been moved to Manchester, named Panditarama Saraniya Meditation Centre.

Since January 2000 the Ven. Sayadaw U Pannathami is the abbot and founder of Panditarama Sydney Meditation Center, Sydney, Australia. In November 2001 he founded the Panditarama Melbourne Meditation Center. The Ven. Sayadaw U Pannathami has conducted meditation retreats and has been guiding meditators since 1985.

Venerable Aungsi Sayadaw is a very skilled & capable Kammathānācariya (meditation teacher). Sayadaw actively promotes the practice of Vipassana Meditation abroad as well as in his homeland until this day.Being an outstanding Dhammadhuta full of Metta-Karuna, Sayadaw has successfully established numerous Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation Centres abroad as well as in his home country. These meditation centers are:

  • Panditarama Sydney Meditation Centre, Australia (Founder)
  • Panditarama Melbourne Meditation Centre, Australia (Founder)
  • Saraniya Dhamma Meditation Center, Manchester, UK (Founder)
  • Dhammaramsi Centre, Brussels, Belgium (Spiritual Director)
  • Vipassana Meditation Centre (VMC), Singapore (Senior Advisor)
  • Veluvana Hermitage, Kawhmu, Yangon, Myanmar (Founder)

Notably, Venerable Aungsi Sayadaw’s Dhammadhuta work in teaching Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation at MBMC was way back in year 1984, almost 40 years ago.Since year 2017, out of Metta-Karuna, Venerable Aungsi Sayadaw visited MBMC annually to conduct a 3-4 week intensive retreat in the month of January until year 2020 just before Covid-19 outbreak.Hence, good news to yogis who are currently in Australia or going to visit Australia soon. Do not miss the opportunity to attend the meditation sessions conducted by Venerable Maha Nayaka Aungsi Sayadaw. May your practice in Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation be continuous, ardent & successful.


Our Sayardaws

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Early Days of PSMC

Early Days of Panditarama Sydney Meditation Centre (PSMC) Sayadaw U Paññathami is the founder of Panditarama. Sydney Meditation Centre (PSMC), Australia. With the blessing and permission of the Most Venerable Sayadawgyi U Panditabhivamsa of Panditarama Shwe Taung Gon Sasana Yeiktha, Yangon, Myanmar, let it be known that this Panditarama Sydney Meditation Centre (PSMC) was established in 2000. PSMC was officially opened by Sayadawgyi U Panditabhivamsa on 6th February 2000. This meditation centre was founded in Sydney (Villawood, NSW 2163) because there was a need for the elderly people to meditate anytime in an easily accessible place and also for the working people to meditate on weekends.  Sayadaw U Paññathami, our Navaka Sayadaw and Abbot of  PSMC intend to conduct full meditation programmes for everyone; for those who wish to find inner peace of mind and contentment by following the Buddha’s path. We accept any yogis or meditators worldwide and provide discourses on  Vipassana meditation. We warmly welcome any Dhamma friends, Buddhists or non-Buddhists who want to experience the Dhamma. The aim of this centre is to promote the teaching of Theravada Buddhism, particularly the practice of Satipatthana Vipassana meditation in the tradition of the last most Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw of Myanmar. Our centre is a non-profit organisation which was set up through the generosity and contributions of devotees and well-wishers.

In the Past

We have moved to a new place at Smithfield, NSW 2164 since 2006. The street is quiet which allows the devotees of this center to enjoy peace and serenity. It is a very conducive place for meditation study and practice. PSMC provides retreat sessions as well as programs and courses pertaining to the teaching of Buddhist

fundamentals to young people so that our young generation can perpetuate the Buddhist path for the future. PSMC provides a comfortable and relaxed environment in which people can discover the benefits of meditation and Buddhism for themselves. As it is a non-profit organization, we offer free food including breakfast and lunch to yogis from the support of our Dhamma friends. For those who are vegetarians, we also provide simple vegetarian meals. So any amount of your donation is greatly appreciated as it helps us to continue providing generous service to those who wish to practice meditation.

There will be a regular fun-raising food fair which is held at the center on the first Sunday of each month. Buddhists and non-Buddhists are welcome to taste the authentic Burmese dishes.

The opening of PSMC is only our first mission. For the second part of our project, we are striving to purchase a bigger piece of land so that we can build a combined meditation center (meditation school) and Buddhist cultural training course for children.

PSMC Today

To facilitate and accommodate all our needs, we require a bigger place and have already bought a very suitable place for PSMC. This new place is a 5-bedroom, two-story bungalow, standing on a 4.5-acre piece of land. It is located in a very convenient area of the suburb or outlying district of Sydney called Horsley Park. PSMC has been built on a foundation of dana or generosity. Donations, large or small since 2000 have helped to develop the centre’s facilities and amenities, thus allowing us to provide the most conducive conditions for meditators to practise. There have been many steps in the process of expanding and improving. We are moving to this new meditation centre at 21-31 Redmayne Road, Horsley Park, NSW 2175 in October 2014. According to the Dhammapada Verse 282, “Indeed, wisdom is born of meditation; without meditation, wisdom is lost. Knowing this two-fold path of gain and loss of wisdom, one should conduct oneself so that wisdom may increase.” Vipassana or insight meditation is a way of training the mind that can enable us to be more peaceful, balanced, and focussed on our daily lives. Ultimately, this mindfulness practice can awaken our spiritual potential as well as experience lasting joy and contentment. Our Kammatthanacariya (Meditation Master), Sayadaw U Paññathami has been teaching Vipassana meditation globally for more than 30 years. We are here to help all yogis or meditators who need a mentor to guide them in this practice. As retreat organizers, we gladly and warmly welcome all yogis to attend the intensive Vipassana meditation retreat. We hope this retreat will provide a good opportunity for yogis to develop mindfulness which is necessary to gain spiritual insights and finally enlightenment.